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Leech Application (Hirudotherapy): Natural Treatment Method and Benefits


Leech application is a popular form of hirudotherapy, a treatment method used for medical purposes. This ancient method of treatment is carried out by placing leeches on the skin. The natural secretions of leeches contain effective ingredients that help treat various health problems. In this article, you can find detailed information about how leech therapy is performed, its benefits and why it is preferred.

1. Leech Application: How is it done?
Leech application should be performed by a qualified hirudotherapist. Below are the basic steps of leech application:

  • Sterilization of the area to be treated.
  • Placement of leeches at appropriate points.
  • Leeches stay on the skin for a certain period of time.
  • Waiting for the leeches to leave naturally and stopping the bleeding.
  • Cleaning and dressing the area after the application.

2. Hirudotherapy: What are the Benefits?
Hirudotherapy has many benefits. Here are some of the benefits that leech application can provide:

  • It improves blood circulation and prevents blood clotting.
  • It has anti-inflammatory effect on inflamed areas.
  • It reduces pain and provides relief.
  • It helps to treat varicose veins and hemorrhoids.
  • It is effective in the treatment of skin diseases.
  • It is a supportive method in the treatment of non-healing wounds and burns.

3. Reasons for Leech Application
Leech application is a preferred method for the treatment of various health problems. Here are some reasons why leech application is done:

  • Regulate the circulatory system and improve blood circulation.
  • Reducing inflammation in inflamed areas.
  • Relieve pain and provide relief.
  • To treat problems related to varicose veins, hemorrhoids and other circulatory problems.
  • Healing skin diseases.
  • Accelerate recovery after surgical intervention.

4. Side Effects and Risks of Leech Application
Leech application is generally a safe treatment method, but it may involve some side effects and risks. Potential side effects that may occur after the application may include:

  • Skin swelling, redness or itching.
  • Bleeding or bruising.
  • Risk of infection.
  • Allergic reactions.

6: Leech Application and Blood Circulation

Leech application is an effective natural treatment method for the regulation of blood circulation. This application, which is performed by placing leeches on the skin, is based on the positive effects of the natural enzymes secreted by the leeches on the blood vessels. As a result of the bite of the leeches, bleeding occurs and thanks to this bleeding, clotting is prevented and blood flow is accelerated. This improves blood circulation and helps the body to be better supplied with oxygen and nutrients.

7: The Effect of Leech Application on Skin Diseases

Leech application is used as a supportive method in the treatment of skin diseases. The enzymes secreted by leeches have anticoagulant, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. These properties enable leech application to contribute to the treatment of skin diseases. Especially in skin disorders such as eczema, psoriasis, acne and dermatitis, leech application reduces skin inflammation, relieves itching and redness, and accelerates the healing process. However, it is important to remember that leech application is not a first-line treatment method in the treatment of skin diseases and should be performed by a specialized hirudotherapist.

8: Leech Application: An Auxiliary Method in the Treatment of Varicose Veins and Hemorrhoids

Varicose veins and hemorrhoids are conditions that usually occur due to problems in blood circulation. Leech application is used as an auxiliary method in the treatment of varicose veins and hemorrhoids that develop due to such circulatory problems. The bleeding that occurs as a result of the bite of the leeches allows the veins to dilate and the blood to flow more easily. In addition, the enzymes secreted by leeches reduce inflammation caused by varicose veins and hemorrhoids and relieve pain. However, it is important to remember that leech application in the treatment of varicose veins and hemorrhoids is not a first-line treatment method and must be performed by a specialist hirudotherapist.

Category: Treatments